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Cold War Wisconsin

Cold War Wisconsin In-Person

As the Cold War gripped the world with fear of espionage and nuclear winter, everyday Wisconsinites found themselves embroiled in the struggle.  For decades, the state's nuclear missiles pointed to the skies, awaiting Soviet bombers.  With violence in Vietnam about to peak, a cargo ship from Kewaunee sparked a new international incident with North Korea.  Manitowoc was ground zero for a Sputnik satellite crash, and four ordinary Madison youths landed on the FBI's most wanted list after the Sterling Hall Bombing.  

Christopher Sturdevant is a children's librarian whose interest in the Cold War began while growing up during the 1980's.  Chris is a U.S Air Force veteran and chairman of the Midwest Chapter of the Cold War Museum in Washington, D.C.

Monday, May 6, 2024
1:00pm - 2:15pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
Community Room
Registration has closed.

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